The Essentials of the Spritz Kit: Everything You Need for a Perfect Aperitivo

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The Essentials of the Spritz Kit: Everything You Need for a Perfect Aperitivo - The Epicurean Trader

Imagine it's a warm summer evening and it's sky-painted in shades of pink and orange; Laughter fills the air as you break out the bottle of Prosecco, a bottle of Aperol, and some soda water - ready to craft that perfect Spritz cocktail. With very few ingredients, recreate a classic Italian tradition within the walls of your home: the aperitivo.

The Italian tradition of aperitivo has gained great popularity all over the world. That brief moment of relaxation and socialization before dinner has become so wonderful because of the classic, bubbly, slightly bitter-tasting, refreshing drink loved and cherished by many, but what makes it special? Everything is in the Spritz kit, which is the key to bringing the perfect aperitivo into your home.

In this guide, we're going to take you through everything you'd want to know about assembling and using your very own Spritz kit, from essentials of ingredients to tools, garnishes, and even fun variations. Ready? Let's get started!

What Is a Spritz Kit?

So, what is a Spritz kit? In a nutshell, it is just a pack with everything you will require and need to make the perfect Spritz cocktail. Instead of having to rummage around individually for your ingredients, a Spritz kit makes everything easy and ready for you to enjoy when you are.

epicurean trader spritz kit


Some Must-Contain Ingredients in a Spritz Kit

  • Prosecco is a light, bubbly Italian sparkling wine that forms the base of the drink.


a bottle of prosecco


  • Bitter Liqueur: Traditionally, this will be either Aperol or Campari – both contribute the distinctive bitter flavor that defines a Spritz
  • Soda Water: This is the final ingredient – it makes the drink fizz and helps to lighten it up.

Having the core ingredients at your fingertips makes putting together the perfect aperitivo effortlessly simple. You can find all these in The Epicurean Trader, culminating their gathered essentials for your own Spritz kit.

Important Ingredients & Essentials for the Perfect Spritz

Let's dive a bit deeper into the ingredients that are to comprise your perfect Spritz. It all lies in the balance of these components, with which this cocktail really tastes unique.

Prosecco or Sparkling Wine

A good Spritz starts with a good sparkling wine-a Prosecco is traditional. The bubbles in a light, slightly sweet sparkling wine give the drink its refreshing quality. When selecting your Prosecco, look for something that's not too dry but not cloyingly sweet, either. Epicurean Trader has some nice selections for a complete Spritz kit.

Aperol vs. Campari

Of course, then comes the choice between Aperol and Campari. Both are Italian bitter liqueurs but offer tastes that are incredibly different:

Aperol: Sweeter, lighter with orange and herbal flavors. The original choice for an Aperol Spritz kit.

Campari: The more intense, bolder, with a rich, deep taste, utterly suitable for a Campari Spritz kit for those who prefer a more potent cocktail.

Both drinks also pair pretty well with Prosecco and soda water. Both Aperol and Campari are available at The Epicurean Trader.

Soda Water

Soda water is a small component of the drink but very important to creating the balance in the mix of the sweetness of the Prosecco and the bitterness of the liqueur. Use high-class soda water for optimal effect. As long as you get the mix of sparkling wine, bitter liqueur, and soda water right, your Spritz would never go wrong.

Must-Have Glassware and Tools

To elevate your Spritz to new heights, you will need proper glassware and the tools. Such insignificant details really do make all the difference when it comes to aperitivo.


You simply can't go wrong with stemmed wine glasses for an ultimate Spritz experience. It's just fantastic to see the color and the bubbles in your drink and the shape of the glass itself makes each sip all that more aromatic.


Here are a few must-haves for crafting your Spritz smooth and professional:

  • Jigger: To measure the right amounts of Prosecco, Aperol/Campari, and soda water.
  • Bar Spoon: For stirring the ingredients gently together without losing the bubbles.
  • Strainer: If you're using fresh fruit or herbs, a strainer can be really handy in making sure that your cocktail is smooth.

The right tools make all the difference. Have a gander at The Epicurean Trader offering of bar tools to complement your Spritz kit.

Garnishes and Enhancements

No Spritz will ever be whole without proper garnishes! These add to the visual appeal of your drink, making it even more delightful than you imagined.

Classic Garnishes

These are the most classic garnishes that best go well for a Spritz :

  • Orange Slice: A slice of orange is very festive with bright color and a fresh citrus taste.
  • Olives: Yes, this may seem very weird, but an olive creates a delicate salty challenge amidst the sweetness from the Prosecco.

Optional Garnishes

If you want to let your hair down and get a bit creative, here are some ideas:

  • Herbs: One sprig of rosemary or thyme will add a fresh lift to the drink.
  • Citrus Fruits: Use slices of lemon or grapefruit for a bit of a tangy option.

You can get creative and playful with your garnish. The Epicurean Trader offers a variety of options to experiment with.

Perfect Aperitivo Experience Building

The Spritz is not just a drink but also a whole experience. Throwing an aperitivo party may be the kind thing to do when bringing loved ones together. Here's how to build the perfect aperitivo experience.

Pairing Ideas

A good aperitivo is nothing if not balanced - and the food you serve should complement the flavor of your Spritz. Here are a few light snack ideas that work perfectly:

  • Olives: A classic Italian aperitivo snack.
  • Nuts: Lightly salted nuts offer a crunchy complement to your cocktail.
  • Cheese: A selection of mild cheeses, such as mozzarella or soft goat cheese, pairs beautifully with the Spritz.
  • Bruschetta:  Toasted bread with tomatoes, olive oil and basil is a really great addition to your aperitif.

How will it go? Position your guests in comfortable chairs, play light background music, and leave them to drink and chat. The right snacks and place make for definitely that Italian-style happy hour being the life of the party.

The Variants You Can’t Miss

But whether a classic Spritz wins in your opinion, isn't the point: so many variations make life interesting. Here are a few to try

  • Aperol Spritz: The original recipe with Aperol, Prosecco, and soda water.

a bottle of aperol spritz
  • Campari Spritz: If you like a bitter drink instead, substitute the Aperol for Campari.
  • Limoncello Spritz: For a change, add a splash of Limoncello for a lemony twist, sweet.

You can play around with the proportions that you're including in this cocktail as well. You can make it sweeter or make it bitter, really to your liking. The Spritz is one of those cocktails where you can easily just make your own version.

Where to Buy Your Spritz Kit Essentials?

Get your DIY Spritz kit. Click over to The Epicurean Trader for a mix of all the things you will need. They have Prosecco, and they have bitter liqueurs like Aperol and Campari.

Here are some products to have a look at:

  • Prosecco. Shop Prosecco here.
  • Aperol and Campari. Find your favorite bitter liqueur.
  • Soda Water and Tools. Explore bar tools and mixers.

Craft the Perfect Aperitivo with Your Spritz Kit

After all, la dolce vita is about drinking good drinks in good company. And now it's very easy to bring some Italian tradition into your little house with a well-equipped Spritz kit. Start building your kit today and let yourself be prepared to create just the perfect aperitivo experience.

Send all your kit purchases from the Spritz to The Epicurean Trader. It will be ready for that casual get-together or easy evening at home. Cheers!

More Essential Aperitivo Pairings

So, before the next aperitivo gathering, the kit for Spritz has to be considered along with the food to pair well with the drink. For the Italian, the nature of an aperitivo is not just about some refreshing cocktail; it's about creating that small meal exciting your taste buds without filling you up for dinner.

Now that we've covered the basics of olives, nuts, cheeses, and bruschetta, we can certainly turn our attention toward just as many other simple yet delicious pairings that will take your aperitivo experience to the next level.

Cured Meats:  A small plate of cured Italian meats is perfectly paired with a Spritz. Think thin slices of prosciutto, salami, or bresaola. The salty, savory flavors of these cured meats will cut beautifully against the bitter-sweet notes of a Spritz cocktail.

A simple charcuterie board is relatively easy to do and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. It's just a combination of cured meats with crusty bread and a few pickled veggies, such as artichokes or peppers. Salty little bites just keep the guests coming back for more. Finally, the favorite: focaccia, soft, fluffy dough infused with olive oil, perhaps a sprinkling of sea salt, rosemary, or other toppings to flavor it further.

If you want to serve something a little more filling, focaccia bread is incredible. Because the flavor is so rich with olive oil, it complements the citrus and herbal flavors in the Spritz. It can be served plain or topped with cherry tomatoes, rosemary, or olives. Focaccia is one of those perfect ahead-of-time dishes and can be served warm or at room temperature.

Grissini (Breadsticks):  Another classic aperitivo companion is Grissini, or Italian breadsticks. Thin, crispy sticks are ideal to dip in soft cheeses like burrata or mascarpone and also to be enjoyed on their own with olive oil added. These little nibbles, being so light and easy to munch on, can make a great accompaniment to a Spritz cocktail.

The next time you are organizing an aperitivo gathering, do not limit it to olives and cheese. Expand your spread with these easy yet yummy foods to enhance your overall experience.

How to Host an Unforgettable Aperitivo: Setting the Mood? 

Hosting an aperitivo is more than the serving of drinks-it's about creating an atmosphere. The right environment could turn a casual evening into a memorable event.

Lighting and Music

Another simple thing you can do for your aperitivo gathering is to set a light mood with lighting. Warm and soft lights will be ideal to create relaxed inviting atmospheres. Either in indoors or outdoors, use candles, string lights, or dimmable lamps to give a comfortable glow.

Apart from lighting, the right music can be a complement to enjoy the ambiance. You could create an interesting playlist that has light jazz, bossa nova, or old classic Italian sounds, which would create an appropriate atmosphere. The music should be lively enough to make people talk, but still not overwhelm the rooms to create a romantic ambiance.

Framing a Relaxed Atmosphere

Aperitivo is all about living life at a slower pace. That, therefore, means that your space would reflect this, and thus you should arrange your seating to foster as much interaction and relaxation between your guests as possible. Chairs with soft cushions; throw pillows, even blankets, if you're outside are some features you can consider. The home feels where you create that kind of setting for your guests to decompress and enjoy the drinks and food you would have prepared for them.

Some Versions of Spritz to Try

Straight off - Negroni Spritz

This effervescent cocktail was born out of a harried bartender mistaking prosecco for gin.

straight off - negroni spritz


Straight Away - Apicco Spritz

Orange blossom, honeyed, lax.

a can of aperitivo spritz


Sprezza : 'Rose' Spritz

Dry, fizzy, refreshing. Pink flamingo equivalent of grapefruit, hibiscus, and lime. All the bergamot, the alpine flowers, even a hint of bitters. Well-carbonated, bright, lively crowd-pleaser.

a can of italian sprezza


A Final Note on the Perfect Aperitivo…

You now have all the tools, ingredients, and inspiration to create your perfect aperitivo experience with well-curated Spritz kits. Whether you prefer the traditional Aperol Spritz or try new flavors, you can enjoy hosting a small home gathering of friends and family with added quality ingredients, the right glassware, and perfect pairings to bring some Italian life into your home.

Now, then, what's the wait for? Go check out The Epicurean Trader and start getting your shopping done for that Spritz kit today. Whether it's to an easy-going night with friends or just a little solo treat at the end of a long week, you can be sure your Spritz kit will always bring refreshingly good times and delights.

Cheers to that!

This entry was posted by Mat Pond in Collections and tags aperitifaperolProseccoSpritz Kit
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